


Corrupt government and corporate elements are utilizing Remote Neural Monitoring Satellite technology also known as Satellite Terrorism to harass torture and terrorize individuals. This is being done illegally and criminally to individuals nationally and globally, and this criminal activity is going unpunished. In some instances these criminals are utilizing a Bogus, illegal so called "investigation" in attempt to coverup the crime. Once the Remote Neural Monitoring satellite technology is locked on the individual, this false, Bogus "investigation" is nothing more than repetitious harassment, torture and terrorism to the victim that last for years, with hopes of and objectives such as causing induced insanity, or hoping that the victim commits suicide, or having the victim jailed or institutionalized under false pretenses in attempt to discredit the victim. Targeted Victims should be aware that the definition of "paranoid schizophrenia" as scriptedly "amended", includes victims complaints and references to beliefs that someone's reading and controlling their mind or hearing voices, even though the truth is, current sophisticated Remote Neural Monitoring technology allows this and illegal Non Consensual Experimentation to involve the remote causation of all these "symptoms". Psych bibles such as the DSM-IV conveniently do not contain this "classified" information. This is premeditatively, insidiously designed so that psychiatrists and other ignorant mental health employees can be used to discredit and silence victims by falsely merging real targeted victims with those who are suffering from mental conditions. Long term unemployment, isolation and other social problems also fit the psych profile of real schizophrenics, but again, most victims of technological crimes finish up in the same position and so can easily be mistakenly confused with those suffering from mental disorders.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Remote Neural Monitoring Satellite Electronic Technological Assaults (can intentionally induce unnaturally occurring adrenaline (epinephrine) in a victim causing heart attacks made to appear as "natural causes" (covert murder) . Quote "very steep levels of adrenaline can weaken the heart muscle and even lead to heart attacks" http://www.livestrong.com/article/196498-what-causes-adrenaline-rushes/


  1. They have been trying to induce a heart attack for awhile now. If they wanted to they could just do it. They must have some out standing medical experimentation contract in progress, but soon they will end me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Remote Monitoring
    We are a Remote Monitoring & System Integration Companies and control 4 authorised dealers. We integrate all aspects of technology through the control 4 amarthome app.

  4. If your behind all this. You the money... We will be coming...

  5. These criminals are using carbon nano tube string implants that get manipulated by an electromagnetic device from a satellite. They also use some kind of CNT mash with particles that are small enough to pass through brain tissue and block neural transmission to parts of your brain.. They use nothing that is not an electromagneticly manipulated implant. And even a simple magnet can also manipulate them.

  6. Have been experiencing similar symptoms as

    others in alternative media, and spiritual,

    metaphysical community. If you want to talk

    email. This wireless problem needs to be

    turned off.


  7. For more information and comments on remote neural monitoring see http://satelliteterrorism3.blogspot.com/2014/04/organized-gang-stalking-crime-victim.html?m=1 being used to control kiwis uk foriners in australia!!! Also Steal business information beyoud james bond 007 xyz see link for detail i swear this evil shit is real...only media blogs comments facebook can help now millions affected...can you afford not to look?

  8. Please help they say they are going to kill me im being harrased with DEw and rnm please help me

  9. I believe the technology does exist and it has for quite sometime. Countries use it against other countries but an international agreement between the countries keeps the whole thing a secret to prevent panick and hysteria and and also to prevent the collapse of government and society because there has NEVER been a more terrifying technology to face humanity then the technology that allows you to remotely control the minds of other human beings.

    The technology and it's capabilities are being actualized on the black market for the purposes of terrorism, testing, and the human trafficking of so called "cyborgs" who are created to do and say whatever the BCI or operator wants them to do or say. RNM is also used to create sleeper cells in foreign countries who are extracted into terrorist organizations after the brainwashing has been completed. Children and women are also trafficked using this technology for pornography and prostitution.

    The secret government everyone mentions is the government who monitors and investigates threats both domestic and abroad that uses this classified technology.

    I was targeted in San Francisco as was many other San Franciscans. Some nut is going around over a BCI using RNM calling himself "belzabub" making people commit heinous crimes and engage in activies they normally would not have. He's telling people he's military and that all of his followers are federal agents who for SOME REASON engage in just about every kind of illegal activity you could think of. So that the fire the supposed secret government is putting out. He's trying to cause a terrorist attack with someone using RMN and cybernetics from another country because he's a lunatic.

    1. The Russian KGB/FSB uses "Psychotronics communication" to
      convey secret messages to agents in the field. Or "would-be" agents under training. I myself experienced such communication techniques while working for LM. Ericsson in Finland (Jorvas) during a period in 1990-1991.

  10. Only governments have access to this technology and the satellites.
